Eirini Palimeri

Title: Urgently

Description: Site-specific performance for camera, mobile video projection, found street lamps

Technical: HD video, 16:9, colour, stereo

Year: 2023

Geo-coordinates: 37.570349, 22.807728

Concept / Notes

The work has as a starting point a found pile of street lamps in vacant parking lot of the city. Those street lamps have been removed by the city streets; an action of replacement. They have been cut off, they have been disused. Such an image becomes a paradox: an object designed to be bright and yet it stays inactive. Turned off lamps start to flicker through a mobile video projection of a brain medical scan of the artist‘, says Palimeri.

The work of Palimeri becomes a conceptual site-performance/projection, which brings the personal and the urban to a silent dialogue. Having found a big pile of disused street lamps in a terrain vague of Nafplion, she chose to create an ephemeral light gesture in that place by projecting her medical brain scan upon turned off lamps. Her poetic action produces a strange feeling and further associations between dipoles such as on/off, light and dark, street lamp and mind. The idea of an active and useful object poses questions about self, society and that empty in-between site of the city (Bill Psarras, curator)

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